Posted on July 30, 2012 // Written by Steve

The internet is in the first place a platform for young people. They download their favorite songs, they read interesting stories about musicians and actors and they communicate with friends via social networks and chat rooms. For many of them, the World Wide Web is a virtual playground with no limi [Read More]

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Posted on July 22, 2012 // Written by Steve

Most credit card holders are enticed to resort on paying off the minimum payment for their monthly credit card dues. Minimum payments may sound really good and they may come off as a kind offer from creditors. In the long run, however, they tend to be a borrower’s worst nightmare. Where Does the D [Read More]

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Posted on July 16, 2012 // Written by Steve

Essentially an Energy Monitor allows you to check the total amount of electricity that you are using in the home at any one point in time. It is a simple, inexpensive way of communicating with your household the actual cost of electricity and of motivating yourself to start controlling the bills. [Read More]

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Posted on July 15, 2012 // Written by Steve

You’ve closed your mortgage account with your bank and suddenly you get a bill for Mortgage Exit Administration Fees (MEAFs). Nobody wants a bad credit report, so you pay the fee. Sometimes these fees can be quite large and banks are actually supposed to give a refund, but, like many businesse [Read More]

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Investing in the right property at the right time can prove to be beneficial and cost effective in the long run. While real estate investment is a money spinner in itself, it is necessary to search for the best opportunity beforehand in order to yield maximum output and revenue from your investment. [Read More]

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